July 21, 2016

MostFit Core Hammer Back and Bicep Workout

 Single arm Row for strength training with the Core Hammer fitness sledgehammer

The MostFit Core Hammer's unique design allows for so many different types of exercises and workouts. The round urethane head can be slammed on any surface, no need for a tire. This makes it easier to lead group training, bootcamp, or group exercise class and incorporate Sledgehammer and Mace exercises. Add it to a strength and conditioning circuit or a functional training workout. The Core Hammer is not only a great way to impress your athletes and clients but its an effective strength training and cardio tool.

Checkout these 3 Classic weight training Back and Bicep moves that you can do with the Core Hammer.

Single Arm Row

Single Arm Row with the Core Hammer is a traditional move that will help develop shoulder  and back strength. Hold the Core Hammer in one hand, close to the head. Keep your knees soft, core engaged, and lean over one or both legs. Lift your elbow up as you retract your shoulder blade and engage your upper back muscles. Repeat.

Single Arm Rear Deltoid Fly

Rear flys with the Core Hammer mimic a traditional strength training move that will help develop shoulder strength. Hold the Core Hammer in one hand, close to the head. Keep your knees soft, core engaged, and elbow slightly bent. Lean forward over one or both legs as you raise the Core Hammer out to about shoulder height. Repeat.

Alternating Core Hammer Bicep Curl

Alternating Bicep Curls with the Core Hammer are a great warm up and strengthening exercise for the upper body. Hold the Core hammer in a hammer grip with soft knees, toss the head up and over and switch hand position. Repeat

Consult a physician before performing this or any exercise program. You as the user are responsible independently for use of any fitness programs or equipment and assume the risks of any resulting injury.