July 10, 2016

MostFit Motivation - Getting In Shape For Labor

This weeks MostFit Motivation story comes from Ambassador Colleen Flaherty from Baby Bump Academy

Get Fit for labor

Gain Strength and Endurance for a VBAC

With an almost 2 year old child, and pregnant with her 2nd, Erin wasn’t getting a lot of time, or energy, for exercise. After a caesarean section with her first, she needed something that would help her gain the strength and endurance to achieve a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After Caesarean. Erin started training with me at the very end of her first trimester and for 6 months she worked her body and trained her mind that a natural delivery was possible, her body was capable. When the time finally came for baby number two to make an appearance, he did just the way nature intended! I love empowering women who are going for a VBAC because so often they are left with postpartum feelings of inadequacy and a broken body. Strength training not only prepares the body for the very hard work of labor but it encourages women to believe in the power that their bodies are capable of! 

Fitness Professionals! If you'd like to learn more about training your pre and post-natal clients, visit http://www.prokreate.co to learn about Colleen's CEC course.