August 24, 2017

Sledgehammer Circuit Workout w/ MostFit Core Hammer


Helya Glen Demonstrates 3 Awesome Core Hammer Exercises


The MostFit Core Hammer's unique design allows for so many different types of exercises and workouts. The round urethane head can be slammed on any surface, no need for a tire. This makes it easier to lead group training, bootcamp. or group exercise class and incorporate Sledgehammer and Mace exercises. Add it to a strength and conditioning circuit or a functional training workout. The Core Hammer is not only a great way to impress your athletes and clients but its an effective strength training and cardio tool.

1) Hammer Jack

Take the classic jumping jack, add some weight, and a little stability challenge and you've got the Hammer Jack. Great way to increase the heart rate quick and turn on the shoulders, core, and legs. Be sure to do both sides.

2) Core Hammer Row to Rear Delt Fly

 Simple, but unique, strength exercise. The hand position provides a great grip challenge as well.

3) Core Hammer Lever Push Up

 Major shoulder, chest and core challenge. There are a number of modifications and challenges that can be used for the lever push up but they all work. Perform a push up on the Core hammer handle and/or head, stabilize the head and lift the tail away from the ground. Be sure to do both sides.

Core hammer sledgehammer fitness

Consult a physician before performing this or any exercise program. You as the user are responsible independently for use of any fitness programs or equipment and assume the risks of any resulting injury.