Stability weight training with the MostFit™ SYN Rings creates a far more unstable environment, under demanding physical circumstances, than with classic weight training apparatus and movements. Although the intensity of that demand varies depending on the user and situation, the user will require a greater engagement of muscle fibers in the primary agonist muscles as well as the secondary, or stabilizing, muscles in order to maintain stabilization.
SYN Rings allow the user to suspend weight plates from an Olympic weightlifting bar creating instability, forcing the user to engage more core and stability muscles, and increase overall strength. They allow the weight plates to move in all directions, including forward, back, side-to-side, up-and-down, and in circular motions.
Stability weight training with the MostFit™ SYN Rings promotes core stabilization, explosive muscle engagement, and athletic development, helping people to improve their overall fitness!
Instability resistance exercises induce high muscle activation of postural limb and trunk muscles. The increased activation has been attributed to the increased stabilization functions. The increased stress associated with instability training has been postulated to promote greater neuromuscular adaptations such as decreased co-contractions of antagonists, improved co-ordination and confidence in performing a skill.
David Behm, PhD, CSEP CEP (March 2009). Instability Resistance Training. Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
Core stability may provide several benefits to the musculoskeletal system, from maintaining low back health to preventing knee ligament injury. As a result, the acquisition and maintenance of core stability is of great interest to physical therapists, athletic trainers, and musculoskeletal researchers. Core stability is the ability of the lumbopelvic hip complex to prevent buckling and to return to equilibrium after perturbation. Although static elements (bone and soft tissue) contribute to some degree, core stability is predominantly maintained by the dynamic function of muscular elements. There is a clear relationship between trunk muscle activity and lower extremity movement. Current evidence suggests that decreased core stability may predispose to injury and that appropriate training may reduce injury. Core stability can be tested using isometric, isokinetic, and isoinertial methods. Appropriate intervention may result in decreased rates of back and lower extremity injury.
John D. Willson, MSPT, Christopher P. Dougherty, DO, Mary Lloyd Ireland, MD and Irene McClay Davis, PhD, PT (September 2005). Core Stability and Its Relationship to Lower Extremity Function and Injury. J Am Acad Orthop Surg, vol. 13 no. 5 316-325 (Abstract)
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