July 05, 2017

A Clean, Well Organized Gym Is The First Part Of a Great Workout



Knowledge and skills as a trainer? Check!

Dumbbells, Core Hammers, Medicine Balls, Power Wave and other cool workout equipment? Check! 

Social media marketing and a strong presence in your community? Check. 

Well organized, clean, and convenient location or facility?… Better get on it!


Safety, Cleanliness, and An Efficient Flow In Your Gym

A facility that best represents your service or product (safe, organized, accessible and impeccable) is imperative in all fields and industries and should be a priority. Here are 3 important aspects of keeping a tight gym:

Its important to keep a clean well organized gym



A clean facility is a safer facility. Eliminate tripping hazards by designating a space for storing each piece of equipment. Plan this out in advance so that the layout makes sense for accessing the equipment and for keeping it all organized. Maintain all equipment to decrease any chance for injury. Liberty Mutual estimates in a report that slip and falls account for over $15 billion in costs yearly. Do yourself a favor and clean up! 



Speaking of cleaning up; gyms are a hotbed for  germs so a clean facility is clearly best for everyone! Maintaining a habit of cleanliness and a regular routine of straightening up and disinfecting will keep you and your clients from getting sick. Make this a top priority.

Chuze Fitness has some simple suggestions for keeping your gym clean and helping your clients keep themselves healthy including wiping down equipment after use and washing hands.  Making sure your clients and athletes have easy access to wipes and hand sanitizer is a simple solution.



Proper storage and a clean setting make for a more efficient flow during work hours for both you, as the proprietor, and your clients and members. When all of your functional training gear is in it’s rightful place, there is no delay in preparing circuits and stations for each workout.

There are lots of storage options for your gym. Power Systems or Core Energy have a number of space saving storage options and efficient equipment designs. Nothing is more of a nuisance than medicine balls rolling around, or dumbbells out of order. Take the time to set up a med ball rack and get enough dumbbell storage and your clients and staff will appreciate it.

It’s human nature to have more respect for a facility, neighborhood, or school that is maintained and clean. It shows that the population or community values and has an interest in its property, and leads to better habits all around. To achieve this kind of environment, simply keep your gym safe, organized and impeccably clean!