Combine a Sledgehammer Slam With a Jumping Jack for the Ultimate Exercise. Core Hammer Slam Jack takes a traditional sledgehammer swing and adds an extra element.
This Weeks MostFit Master Trainer Tip comes from Santo Riva of Victory Performance. The best stretches to open up your hips.
This weeks MostFit Motivation Comes from our friend and colleague Amber, otherwise known as Rural Rebel Mama
The MostFit Core Hammer's unique design allows for so many different types of exercises and workouts. Spear the Dragon with the Core Hammer is a lower body, shoulder, and oblique strengthening exercise.
MostFit Master Trainer Tip from Maurice Williams, Personal Trainer and owner at Move Well Fitness. "With summertime just around the corner, your palate might be watering for your favorite fruits just like mine!"
Stoke the Fire with Core Hammer combines a squat with a side lunge to create a great full body, sweat inducing exercise.